by Dj Sison | May 1, 2016 | iOS Development
AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect I have recently discovered this method through a work colleague. I have been manually computing the size that fits a CGRect but maintains aspect ratio before, but this method will easily replace that. This is one of the benefits of...
by Dj Sison | Sep 17, 2015 | iOS Development
When getting the current language of the device, we usually use the following API: Objective-C Objective-C [NSLocale preferredLanguages] 1 [NSLocale preferredLanguages] or Swift Swift NSLocale.preferredLanguages() 1 NSLocale.preferredLanguages() In iOS 8 and below,...
by Dj Sison | Sep 4, 2015 | iOS Development
What is __kindof? __kindof is a new feature of the Objective-C language announced by Apple, together with other new features such as Nullability Annotations and Generics. Xcode 7 is needed to use __kindof, so be sure to use that when going over through this post. How...
by Dj Sison | Sep 3, 2015 | iOS Development
Difference of UIDeviceOrientation and UIInterfaceOrientation It is important to know the difference of UIDeviceOrientation and UIInterfaceOrientation values, in order to determine what you really need in your application. Most of the time, you will need...
by Dj Sison | Aug 23, 2015 | iOS Development
If you have built your application using the iOS 7 SDK before, and now you are using the iOS 8 SDK, chances are you need to do some code changes to correctly support iOS 8. One of them is the use of Location Services, or the CLLocationManager class. If you do not...